Spiritual Reflections

The Feast Of Epiphany Of The Lord

The Feast Of Epiphany Of The Lord Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:2-3,5-6; Matt. 2: 1-12 Today we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord, which marks the conclusion of the Christmas season. We are now transitioning to Ordinary Time. The Gospel narrates the search of the Magi (wise men) in the hope of...

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Christmas Greetings

Dear Knights, As we come to the end of another year, I want to take a moment to personally thank you for journeying together this year, with your heart on fire, and feet on the move. The great mystery of the love of God for humanity is made very real in the person of Jesus this season. Christmas...

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Solemnity of Christ the King Reflection

Readings Ezekiel 34.11-12,15-17Psalm 231  Corinthians 15.20-26,28Matthew 25.31-46 We are celebrating today the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. We are concluding the liturgical year with this great feast, which reminds us that in the fullness of time God will reign in...

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Good Shepherd Sunday 2023

Good Shepherd Sunday 2023

Today is the Fourth Sunday of Easter also known as Good Shepherd Sunday or Vocation Sunday. In today’s gospel, Jesus describes the difference between the shepherd and thieves and robbers. Thieves do not enter the sheepfold through the gate but would climb over elsewhere. The shepherd on the other...

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2nd Sunday of Lent 2023

2nd Sunday of Lent 2023

Journey of Life and Death One of the old images we still use to describe life is the “journey” that we all make from the womb to the grave. The image of the journey speaks of a passage through time and places. It is a journey which includes the people we have met, the kind of time we have had, and...

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Reflection – 22 Sunday in OT 2022

Reflection – 22 Sunday in OT 2022

The Lord Jesus gives a parable about Humility and Hospitality. Where do you sit at banquet? Jesus tells us: Do not hastily take the seat of honor. Wait to be seated. Let the host lead you to the seat. “for everyone who exalts himself/herself will be humbled.” The Lord teaches another lesson. Who...

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Reflection – 19th Sunday in OT 2022

Reflection – 19th Sunday in OT 2022

Why do we keep coming together for worship every Sunday? Is it because we feel that behind everything we experience, behind everything we see or know, there is more than what we can name, touch, or understand? USCCB Daily Readings - 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time What has brought us together and...

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Sixth Sunday of Easter 2022

Sixth Sunday of Easter 2022

Beatification of Pauline-Marie Jaricot, Foundress of the society of the Propagation of the Faith and The Living Rosary O God, let all the nations praise you! In these days of Easter joy, the Church proclaims the victory of God. A victory over sin and death; over the eternal enemy of the human...

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Easter Sunday 2022

Easter Sunday 2022

Allelulia! He is Risen! Today we celebrate Easter Sunday. This Sunday’s Mass has a slight difference from other Sundays. Instead of reciting the creed, we will be renewing our baptismal promises. The Renewal of the Baptismal Promises has two parts. The first part is the Renunciation of Sin and the...

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Palm Sunday Reflection – 2022

Palm Sunday Reflection – 2022

Palm Sunday - The Start of Holy Week With the celebration of Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday, the church begins the celebration of the great Holy Week, the holiest of all the weeks in the Liturgical year. Palm Sunday therefore serves as the gateway to the celebration of the most profound mysteries...

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Second Sunday in Lent 2022

Second Sunday in Lent 2022

The second Sunday of Lent is always the account of the Transfiguration. If the first Sunday of Lent is a striking reminder of Jesus’s solidarity with us in temptation, the second Sunday is meant to remind us that the glory that burst forth from Jesus’s body is a glory that he means to share with...

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Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Trust has consequences and trust issues have become more prominent in the 21st century. Passwords, alarms, fingerprint locks, face recognition devices and other security gadgets are common because of trust issues.  It is becoming increasingly risky to trust human...

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4th Sunday in OT 2022

4th Sunday in OT 2022

Today’s Gospel follows last Sunday’s when Jesus solemnly announced the fulfillment of the prophet Isaiah’s text concerning the identity and the evangelizing mission of the Anointed one of God. When Jesus came back to His hometown, He may not be wearing new clothes, but there was something...

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3rd Sunday in OT: Fulfilled in Faith

3rd Sunday in OT: Fulfilled in Faith

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022 The First Reading of today taken from the Book of Nehemiah tells of the crucial role of the Law of God in the Israel community.  Ezra and Nehemiah were given the special task of God to rebuild the community.  They were also given the task of rebuilding the Temple...

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2nd Sunday in OT: Christ in Abundance

2nd Sunday in OT: Christ in Abundance

The first reading has Prophet Isaiah speaking to the people of Israel in exile when they were driven from their homeland. He speaks of God’s power in their life when they will be changed from being known as  “Forsaken, to being known as “Chosen.” He speaks of the power of God to Change a life....

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