Journey of Life and Death

One of the old images we still use to describe life is the “journey” that we all make from the womb to the grave. The image of the journey speaks of a passage through time and places. It is a journey which includes the people we have met, the kind of time we have had, and the successes and failures we have experienced on the way. We all have to make our own journey.

Most of the journeys we make in life, we know our destination and how to get there. When we are uncertain, we check maps, and utilize GPS to guarantee our arrival.

Our life journey is not easy. Life is not only a journey, but also a “search.” We all must discover the paths/ ways that will lead us to what we seek. Some of the road’s lead to a dead end, unless we want to build our tent there or we keep going.

In the course of life, many people change direction and explore unfamiliar paths.

In the first reading of today, God offered a transfigured life to Abram. Sarai was barren- childless, it was considered a curse, because God is a God of life. God promises a transfiguration to Abram. “I will make of you a great nation; I will bless you and your name great.” The mentioning of the name “Abram” will remind people of God’s blessing, what a transfiguration from childless to a great nation.

Abraham and the Transfiguration

But Abram has to agree on something – to leave his country, Father’s house, everything that is sacred to him. He will travel into solitude, unknown place where only God knows. Transfiguration will come if Abram takes the dark journey of faith, a journey of pain, a journey of setbacks and trails, every pain becomes a sign of hope, – a journey of transfiguration.

Paul in the second reading tells us, we have been transfigured already in Christ Jesus. Thanks to Jesus’ resurrection, we have a new life, a transfigured life. Our new life in Christ is a call to holiness. Like Abram, we have to take a journey, a journey of living the Gospel. It is also a life specially bearing our share of the hardship – living the gospel – that brings to us pain even death.

Without the capacity to journey with pain and darkness, there is no transfiguration.