Spiritual Reflections
Divine Mercy Sunday
SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER – B ACTS 4:32-35 PSALM 118 1 JOHN 5:1-6 JOHN 20:19-31 Today is the second Sunday of Easter, which is also celebrated as Divine Mercy Sunday. In today’s gospel, the Risen Lord breathes the Holy Spirit on His disciples and sends them to forgive sin. Jesus wants his disciples...
Easter Sunday
Acts 10:34,37-43; Col. 3:1-4; John 20:1-19 The Lord is risen, brothers and sisters, alleluia! On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead as he had said to his disciples. And we have, in John’s gospel that would be proclaimed today, the figures Mary of Magdala, Simon Peter, and “the other disciple...
Palm Sunday
Isaiah 50:4-7 Philippians 2:6-11 Mark14:1-15:39 Today is the Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, the beginning of the Holy Week. After we commemorate Jesus’ triumphant entrance into Jerusalem in the opening liturgy, the gospel takes us to Jesus’s last supper with his disciples; his agony, arrest,...
5th Sunday of Lent
FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT Jer.31:31-34; Ps. 50:3-15; Hebrew 5:7-9; John 12:20-30 Today on the 5th Sunday of Lent, we journey with Christ as he prepares himself to embrace the hour of humiliation and suffering, the hour of his impending death. The first reading of this Sunday is an assurance of God’s...
3rd Sunday of Lent
3rd SUNDAY OF LENT Exodus 20. 1-17; 1Cor.1.18, 22-25; John 2. 13-25 Antiphon: Psalm 24.15-16: “My eyes are always on the Lord, for he rescues my feet from the snare. Turn to me and have mercy on me, for I am alone and poor.” This is a most human cry. There are times in our lives when we feel...
2nd Sunday of Lent
Genesis 22:1-2,9-13,15 Romans 8:31-35,37 Mark 9:2-10 God is in everything we do. St Paul wrote in the second reading “if God is for us, who can be against us.” Scripture uses Mountains as the stages of important encounters between God and his people. Today’s first reading and the Gospel take place...
1st Sunday of Lent
1st Sunday of Lent Genesis 9:8-15 1 Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1: 12-15 Today is the 1st Sunday of Lent, and today’s gospel brings us back to the time when the spirit drove Jesus out into the desert, where he remained for 40 days in prayer and fasting. During lent, we go into the desert, we go to the...
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46, 1Corinthians 10:31-11:1 Mark 1: 40-45 Today’s gospel proclaims Jesus healing a man with leprosy. The gospel reminds us of those who are left out and lonely, as well as those who are the least, the last and the lost. We do not often notice them...
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
5th Ordinary Sunday, Year B, Job 7:1-4, 6-7 / 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23 / Mark 1:29-39 There is suffering and pain in this world. We are weak and fragile human beings. No matter how strong we are, we are not superhuman beings. No matter how high a position or status we have in society, we are not...
Sunday of the Word of God
Dear Brother Knights, Today, Sunday of the Word of God established by Pope Francis, to enable the church to experience anew how the lord opens up for us the treasury of His word. At the Angelus today, the Pope announced 2024 a year of prayer ahead of the upcoming Jubilee 2025 and invites us to...
The Feast Of Epiphany Of The Lord
The Feast Of Epiphany Of The Lord Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:2-3,5-6; Matt. 2: 1-12 Today we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord, which marks the conclusion of the Christmas season. We are now transitioning to Ordinary Time. The Gospel narrates the search of the Magi (wise men) in the hope of...
Christmas Greetings
Dear Knights, As we come to the end of another year, I want to take a moment to personally thank you for journeying together this year, with your heart on fire, and feet on the move. The great mystery of the love of God for humanity is made very real in the person of Jesus this season. Christmas...
Solemnity of Christ the King Reflection
Readings Ezekiel 34.11-12,15-17Psalm 231 Corinthians 15.20-26,28Matthew 25.31-46 We are celebrating today the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. We are concluding the liturgical year with this great feast, which reminds us that in the fullness of time God will reign in...
Good Shepherd Sunday 2023
Today is the Fourth Sunday of Easter also known as Good Shepherd Sunday or Vocation Sunday. In today’s gospel, Jesus describes the difference between the shepherd and thieves and robbers. Thieves do not enter the sheepfold through the gate but would climb over elsewhere. The shepherd on the other...
2nd Sunday of Lent 2023
Journey of Life and Death One of the old images we still use to describe life is the “journey” that we all make from the womb to the grave. The image of the journey speaks of a passage through time and places. It is a journey which includes the people we have met, the kind of time we have had, and...