Knights of St. John International

Supreme Subordinate Commandery USA

About the Knights of St. John International

A Catholic brotherhood with a history that spans over 100 years

Through the actions and fellowship of its members, the Knights of St. John exemplify the theological virtues of the Roman Catholic Faith. They are examples of Catholic Masculinity and beacons of truth in their community.

By the Practice of...

“Faith is the act of the intellect assenting to a Divine truth owing to the movement of the will, which is itself moved by the grace of God”

– St. Thomas Aquinas


Men of the Knights of St. John live out their Catholic faith that what they believe influences the way they live their lives.

For in hope we were saved. Now hope that sees for itself is not hope. For who hopes for what one sees?

Romans 8:24


Bestowed on us at Baptism, hope can be defined as a future good, difficult to obtain, but entirely possible. Hope sustains the men of the Knights of S. John through periods of trial, tragedy, and difficulty, that one day we will see the glory of God.

….Amen I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.

Matthew 25:40


From the Latin caritas, men of the Knights of St. John are devoted to acts of charity, both personally and within the order. The habits of charity exist not only in the love for God, but also extends to the love of our neighbor.

Latest News

Reflection – 19th Sunday in OT 2022

Reflection – 19th Sunday in OT 2022

Why do we keep coming together for worship every Sunday? Is it because we feel that behind everything we experience, behind everything we see or know, there is more than what we can name, touch, or understand? USCCB Daily Readings - 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time What...

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Sixth Sunday of Easter 2022

Sixth Sunday of Easter 2022

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2022 Indiana Grand Convention

2022 Indiana Grand Convention

Congratulations are in order for the Indiana Grand Commandery on a successful 2022 convention, hosted by St. Joseph's Commandery #355. The convention started on April 22nd with a welcome dinner at the parish, followed by the Indiana Grand Annual Bowling Tournament....

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knights patron saint

Through the intercession of our patron saint, St. John the Baptist, may our lives and actions be the voice of one calling out into the desert, preparing the way for the Lord. That we may humbly decrease, so that He may increase in our world.