The first reading has Prophet Isaiah speaking to the people of Israel in exile when they were driven from their homeland. He speaks of God’s power in their life when they will be changed from being known as “Forsaken, to being known as “Chosen.” He speaks of the power of God to Change a life.
Most of the time we think that if our life has been a failure in some way in the past, it has to be so in the future as though we are moving on iron tracks preventing any change. Jesus can change water into wine, our past into a different future.
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Paul in the second reading talks about the variety of gifts people are given. We are all given talents and whatever talents we have can be used to build up rather than divide the church. Paul lists some of them as wisdom, teaching ability, the gift of strong faith, etc. In Jesus Christ, our talents can become gifts to the church, instruments of grace, ways of his love, and ways of building the Church. Christ can change water into wine, our past into a different future, and our talents into tools of the Good News.
Jesus appears as the Messiah who inaugurated the messianic time with the sign of the abundance of wine. He came to give not only life but also life in abundance. The mission of God-made flesh for us is not simply to offer redemption, but an abundance of redemption. (Jn.10: 10).
What Can I Do?
We are called to be signs of God to manifest and to reveal the presence of God to others. By obeying the will of God and carrying out his plans, God will work signs and wonders to inspire faith and to give hope to the world. We don’t need to see spectacular miracles. We just need to be humble and obedient signs of God and others will see how wonderful and marvelous God is.
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