Dear Brothers,
“The Virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and they shall name him Emmanuel,
which means, God is with us.” Matthew 1:23
Christmas is a celebration of Joy, because God has shown to us that He enjoys communion with humanity, and He does like the distance created y our human frailty. By journeying with humanity and participating in human life and suffering, Jesus has shown that He wishes communion, participation, and that was His mission.
We need to journey together with one another as Jesus Himself journeyed with us in His Incarnation and that we need to participate in the life of others.
As I joyfully greet you, I express my sincere gratitude for your active efforts, collaboration, and guidance for the missionary efforts in the universal church. May the theme for World Mission Sunday 2022 “You Will be My Witnesses” ne our prayer and wish during this hopeful time of synodal life.
Wishing you a Joyful Christmas and a Happy New Year 2022!
Fr. Alex Osei, C.S.Sp
SSC-USA Spiritual AdvisFr. Alex Osei, C.S.SP is currently the Spiritual Advisor for the Supreme Subordinate USA, Knights of St. John. First appointed by Major General Jim Schaufhausen, and recently reappointed and approved by Major General Brian Stehlin. You can learn more about his call to the priesthood, and his work here.or
Christ is born for us; come, let us adore him.
Today, for our sake, the King of heaven chose to be born of his virgin mother, to reclaim lost men for the heavenly kingdom. All the angels cry aloud with joy, for God has come to save mankind.
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