Dear brothers,

Happy Easter!

We have every reason to be most happy when we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. I hope that when we greet each other, “Happy Easter,” we would really mean it and know what is behind that greeting. With Easter, we celebrate the tremendous truth of our faith that Christ is risen, never to die again. He has conquered sin and death with his resurrection and is offering us the way, the means, and the power to do the same.

This is the greatest news of all time. Easter marks the completion of Christ’s redemptive work on us. With it, we now have the way to reach our humanity’s fullness and perfection as truly the image and likeness of God, children of his, meant to share in the divine life because that is what God wants for us. During this Easter season, we will be repeating many times the responsorial psalm, “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad,” And we sing, “Alleluia, alleluia,” in response.

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With these words, we are told that Christ is truly alive. He is not dead. The Easter mysteries give us a new identity and a new name: we are saved, redeemed, renewed; we are Christians, and we have no more need for fear or despair. Brothers, we need to ask ourselves what does it mean that Jesus has risen? It means that the love of God is stronger than evil and death itself; it means that the love of God can transform our lives and let those desert places in our hearts bloom. The love of God can do this!

Wishing you God’s blessing and a happy Easter.

Yours in Christ,
Rev. Fr. Alex Osei, C.S.Sp

Learn more about our Supreme Subordinate Spiritual Advisor in his Big Interview. You can read more reflections from Fr. Osei on our site.