Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances gives thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 16-18


I heard an interesting sermon while listening to The Catholic Channel on Sirius XM radio the other day. The priest delivering the homily was explaining his motivations and influences on what he preaches about. One comment stood out to me the most.

Sometimes I am preaching about things that I need to hear.

One reminder that I always need, is to pray every day. And not just to speak those written prayers that can be rattled off without thought, but to actually pray. I have recently been studying a lot of Jewish prayers to deepen my understanding of a true relationship with God, and I actually found a morning prayer that coincides perfectly with an evening examen.

Elohai neshamah shenatata bi tehorah.

“My God, the soul that you have placed within me is pure.”

Our souls are pure, once baptized and the stain of original sin has been removed. It is only our human nature that fouls that pureness with sin. To remain in constant prayer is to remain close to God. We can avoid the near occasion of sin by remaining in prayer.

So how can we remain in prayer – when at times our lives are consumed with busyness? Here are some simple tips.

The Knights Prayer

On the final page of the constitution is the Knights Prayer, along with the order that this prayer is to be said daily. This is a great prayer to say at the start of each day, to remind us of our patronage, and that we must decrease in order for Him to increase.

A great reminder to pray this prayer daily would be to place a copy in your bathroom, and pray while you are getting ready for the morning, either while shaving, brushing your teeth, or washing your hands.

Personally, I am going to be adding the Elohai Neshama to my morning routine as a reminder of my pure soul.

Liturgy of the Hours – The Divine Office

For many, the Liturgy of the Hours is something that is very foreign, only said by the clergy and religious – but according to the documents of the Second Vatican Council, the laity are encouraged to pray it as well. There are a number of styles of breviaries that you can buy; or you can use iBreviary on your phone, if learning all of the page flipping would be an interference with your prayer life. Praying on the psalms daily can help enrich your prayer life.

Adoration – Holy Hour

Praying in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament is a very profound way of praying. Consider finding a perpetual adoration chapel and signing up for an hour of adoration. If you think your life is too busy, just remember the words of Christ to the Apostles the night before he was sentenced to death. “When he returned to his disciples he found them asleep. He said to Peter, “So you could not keep watch with me for one hour?” – Matthew 26:40.

The men of the Buffalo Grand have been sponsoring a Holy Hour of Adoration through the Diocese of Buffalo at various parishes on the First Saturday of each month.


Read More – Humbled in Silent Adoration


While deepening our own prayer life, we must also consider the lives of those around us. Consider starting a monthly Holy Hour in your respective diocese, pray together as a commandery. You could also consider completing the Ignatius Exercises with a group of men from the Knights.

As we look for growth throughout the United States – when we gather together for prayer, we should always invite members of the community to join us.