As a convert, there are still a great number of things that I have been unable to create habit forming devotions to, despite my acceptance of the Catholic faith. I wish I was better at getting to, and properly receiving the graces associated with the Sacrament of Confession, and despite consecrating myself to the Blessed Mother, Marian devotion is still something that remains outside of my prayer life.
As each feast of Mary approaches on the calendar, I often look at where I am in my life, and make a verbal commitment to engage Mary more, and to learn from the fiat that she with very little thought gave herself wholly over to the will of God. I often fall back on the aspect that I have a good prayer life, and it feels complete going directly to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in my prayers, but when I think of Mary, I am always often called back to the Gospel story, The Wedding Feast at Cana.
On the third day there was a wedding in Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding. When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” (And) Jesus said to her, “Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servers, “Do whatever he tells you.” –John 1-5
Now I stop the story there, because there are two very important lines in this story that should affirm any devotion to Mary be the highest priority.
For starters, if my mother ever addressed me and gave me any sort of direction, and I responded with “Woman,…” You can bet that any family members present in that situation would be all over me and more for speaking to my mother with that tone! Reminds me of a cartoon of Jesus and Mary I saw a few years ago.
Jesus at Bathtime

Of course, we are reading a translation here, and he was probably not referring to Mary in any sort of disrespectful or derogatory way; but I can just picture the look Mary gives to Jesus after he said that, because her next comment rings the loudest.
Do whatever he tells you.
I am sure the look that Mary gave to Jesus at the wedding was not as stern as the one depicted in the cartoon, but had some of the same tones, which is why without further prodding, he instructs the servants present to fill the water jugs, and the festivities continue. Whatever worthy prayers we lay at the feet of the Mother of God, she will take them, hold them in her mantle and present them to Jesus.
As we celebrate Mary under her most precious title of Mother of God, let us remember to honor and remember thy mother, not only our heavenly mother Mary, but our biological mothers as well.
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