The Knights of St John International, Commandery 680 of Newark, New Jersey, traditionally hold a couple of activities every second Sunday of every month. These activities include but are not limited to monthly meetings, church devotions, monthly birthday celebrations, and feeding of the less privileged, all under the auspices of the Worthy President- Col. Chinedum Uche for the KSJ and Sister Juliet Ezeigbo for the LAUX. The day starts at 9.30 a.m. with joint prayers with the LAUX. Thereafter, we all go into our various meetings for the KSJ & LAUX. We round off at 12.30 p.m., by which time we go in for the day’s church service. The church service ends at about 3 p.m., and this is when the monthly birthdays start.  This will round off at about 5 p.m., and the feeding of the less privileged will commence. The feeding of the less privileged costs about $350, and for the month of June, we fed about 32 men, women, and children. You have a feeling of fulfillment in the Lord when you spend about 9 hours every second Sunday of every month devoted to the service of God and humanity. Below are some of the pictures of the monthly birthdays under the chairmanship of Brother Lawrence Ibe and feeding of the less privileged, which is under the chairmanship of Brigadier General Charles Abiakwe, the New York Grand President.

Respectfully submitted by:
1st Lt Lawrence Ibe
Chairman Birthdays
Corresponding Secretary Cdry 680.