5th Sunday of Easter (YEAR B)

Acts 9: 26-31; Ps 22; 1John 3 :18-24; Jn 15: 1-8

Today is the Fifth Sunday of Easter and the gospel tells us a conversation of Jesus with His disciples during their supper before His arrest. Jesus used the image of a plant. He is the vine and his disciples the branches. To ensure their growth, the disciples must remain attached to Him. Being attached to Jesus ensures the flow of life in them – as it is from the vine to the branches.

Friends, detached from the Lord, detached from the vine, the branches will wither and die. It is time to reflect: Am I bearing fruit? Which fruit? Am I fully alive? If you feel that there is a loss of energy in your life, it is time to check if you are still attached to Jesus the vine.

The message of Christ is simple: He is the vine, and we are the branches, we may boast of our strength, beauty, many colorful flowers, and green leaves, but without Christ, the true vine, we are nothing. We depend totally on Him. St. Paul puts it so nicely; “For in Him we live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28) With him we can do all things. (Phil 4:13)


O God, who has placed us in Christ as branches in the vine, give us your Spirit so that. Loving one another with sincere love, we may become the first fruits of a new humanity and bear fruit of holiness and peace. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.