Theme: The Mystery of Freedom


Today’s Gospel presents a familiar episode in the life of Jesus: the devil tempted Him when He was in the desert to prepare himself Spiritually for his ministry.

The devil’s temptation focused on 3 crucial areas:


  1. Physical needs and desires
  2. Possessions and power
  3. Pride


By rejecting and rebuking the devil, Jesus exercised His freedom.


In the First reading, the human being was given the gift of freedom.  The serpent exaggerated God words (God not allowing them to enjoy or be self sufficient), and then came the lie.

The freedom became a temptation. Freedom that should be used to follow the law can also be used to declare self- sufficiency (I don’t need God, I am okay by myself).

Without freedom, there is no Peace, no Justice, no Love, no commitment etc.

The freedom of Jesus was exercised in obedience in recognizing God the Father.

How do we use our freedom? Misused of freedom brought Sin to the world by disobeying God.

St Paul in the second reading tells us “For just as by the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous.

Never Forsaken


Without freedom our humanity is incomplete.

The devil attacked Jesus’ freedom. – Use your freedom to asset yourself and ignore God- Jesus shows us how freedom should be exercised. Many people and worldly things are telling us to do away with God to be self- sufficient.


  1. How can we form our youth to use their freedom to choose the good?
  2. How can we strengthen our commitment to God during moments of try?


This season is a time to reconsider the path one is taking in life and to finally answer God’s invitation to return to Him with one’s whole heart. Lent is not just about the sacrifices we make, but also about discerning where our hearts are directed, “toward God or toward you?”

We are on a 40 day journey to return to God- the way back to God starts with understanding that we have ended up with empty hands and unhappy heart.  The Journey is not based on our own strength but through His grace.

What makes us just is not the righteousness we show off to others, but our sincere relationship with God our Father.  May the Holy Spirit see us through our Lenten Journey!